New EDC Litany!

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October 30, 2020 by mennopjsn

(Shout out to Carmen Schrock-Hurst, Eastern Mennonite Seminary for providing this!)

Litany for election day communion*

On this day when so much of our country is holding its breath in anxiety  and the eyes of the world are upon us, we gather because we need one another, we need the sustenance that comes from sharing together at the Lord’s Table, and we need to proclaim our citizenship in God’s Kingdom.

As we gather today, we acknowledge that we are living in fear, Lord:

Fear of the pandemic, fear of racial injustice, fear of election violence, fear of climate change, fear of jobs lost, fear of dreams shattered, fear of the loss of the country that we thought we knew and loved.

It is too much to carry all at once Lord, and sometimes our faith wavers.

Hear us Lord. Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

We confess Lord that at times your voice seems silent. Some nights we are sleepless, lonely and afraid.

         Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

We confess Lord that we too easily succumb to mind-numbing news and social media. We are anxious and we cannot pray.

         Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

We confess Lord that we have not always responded with love and justice when your people are crying out in pain.

Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

We confess Lord that we long to live at peace — peace with our neighbors, peace with our families, and peace with ourselves. But our country is torn. Our churches are torn. Our families are torn.

Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

We remember that your love is stronger than hate. Your hope conquers despair. Give us the courage to stand for love and to take risks for justice. Give us the courage to speak truth.

Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone. 

We proclaim that your kingdom is stronger than any political party or politician, and that your call to faithful obedience will continue no matter the results of this election.

Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

At this table may we find solace, comfort, hope and renewed purpose. May our bonds as your people be strengthened and may the unity of your Spirit prevail.

Hear us Lord, Heal us Lord. Our hope is in you alone.

Song of Response: Healer of our every ill

*Written by:  Carmen Schrock-Hurst, Eastern Mennonite Seminary Chapel Minister, 10/28/20. Permission granted to use and adapt.

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